Youth Board

Ferguson Youth Advisory Board members provide insight and feedback on issues relating to youth in the community. They are the official youth voice of FYI and help determine how we use our energies and resources to benefit the public. FYAB members receive perks, including free admission to all FYI events, discounts on FYI apparel, and special access to adventure activities and job opportunities. They are also eligible for the Gail Babcock Scholarship in their senior year.

Apply Here

Current Board Members include:

  • Darrius Turner – President
  • Oghenemega Emeje – Vice President
  • La’Nadia Gibbs – Secretary
  • Zaria Easterling
  • Nyia Ross
  • Shamar Smith
  • Ameria Turner
  • Katelyn Haniford – City Representative
  • David Williams – City Council Representative


The board meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm through Zoom


Join the Board.  

Apply Here

Paper Applications Also Available

History: On July 26, 2011, the City of Ferguson City created a Youth Advisory Board to facilitate the involvement of the young people of the community in government processes, in order to receive a youth perspective on issues which affect the city as a whole.

Ferguson Youth Advisory Board (FYAB) requirements:

  • composed of eight (8) to ten (10) student members
  • five (5) adult non-voting advisory members.
  • Members shall have resided within the city limits of Ferguson? or be eligible to attend a school within the Ferg­Flor S.D.
  • Members must continue to meet these requirements throughout his or her term
  • Members must have completed the 7th grade
  • Members shall have neither graduated from high school nor reach his or her nineteenth (19th) birthday

Join the Board.  

Apply Here

Paper Applications Also Available


Youth Summits

2 thoughts on “Youth Board

  1. I am a parent of two happy young boys. My husband and I are thrilled with Ferguson taking time to support the youth. We must invest in the young men and women of our community. Many of the youth are motivated, focused and positive and this organization is proof. Looking forward to our sons being involved in this mission in the future.

  2. Hello I am Amy Sirtak, I am emailing you to introduce you to the Positive Ticketing Program which has reduced crime by as much as 50% in communities throughout Canada.

    This program involves rewarding young people for positive behavior as it builds relationships between the police and young people in our community. Rev. Larry rice asked to email you and invite you to a special meeting with the founder of this program, Ward Clapham. Ward will be in Saint Louis Thursday, December 18, 2014. Those attending will be given a manual Ward has written on starting a positive Ticketing Program in your Community.

    Attached is a flyer that will give you some basic information about the Positive Ticketing Program as well as the times and locations for an overview of the program presented by Ward Clapham, the creator of this program.

    We sincerely hope that you can join us for one of these meetings. These meetings are open to anyone who is interested in attending and free to attend. Please let us know which meeting you are planning to attend so that we can prepare informational packets to have for everyone attending.

    Your Servant in Christ,
    Amy Sirtak
    Positive Ticketing Program
    New Life Evangelistic Center & KNLC
    Phone: (314) 881-3218

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